Excellent step-by-step reference document: http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA1-4286ENW.pdf
This pretty well sums it up! If you haven’t seen this short, 5-minute video, watch and learn. Why did HP buy 3PAR?
The HP Virtual Connect FIbre Channel Scenarios Cookbook has been updated! Check it out!! http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01702940/c01702940.pdf
HP released this customer bulletin regarding potential data loss on HP P4000 storage systems, due to RAID controller issues after power loss issues on that system. More details
HP released this security bulletin regarding potential security vulnerabilities in HP SIM prior to version 6.3 More details on this page Upgrade time!
The new HP BladeSystem Matrix Step-by-Step Use Case Guide is for provisioning an ESX host with infrastructure orchestration. The guide describes how VMware ESX
For those who thought that EVA would be dead after the 3PAR and Lefthand acquisition by HP : I'm sorry but you were wrong!
Q.) I know that when not defining an uplink port, either directly or via a SUS, that traffic will stay within the VC domain.
The HP 6120XG Blade Switch expands the HP Networking portfolio of converged network capabilities with functionality that is compliant with Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE)
The HP P4800 G2 SAN Solution for BladeSystem is one of the industry’s first SAN that’s truly converged with a bladed server infrastructure. It