As the 3PAR integration progresses, key 3PAR collateral assets are being transitioned into the HP system. To date, the following documents are available now:
If you are into Virtual Connect, and are connecting them to Cisco networking devices, do no not forget to check this document... Further understand
I found these great videos on the support of VAAI on the P4000 aka Lefthand storage devices. The geat thing is that it is
Insight Software 6.2 update2 has signed off and will be available from on Tuesday, March 8. Insight Software 6.2 update2 is a collection
An UPDATE to the white paper HP Data Protector A.06.11 Support for VMware vStorage has been published. This DP 6.11 white paper was originally
Q.) Do we have somewhere that lists the complete overview of the best practice on Hardware BIOS settings for VMware vSphere®? A.) The default
Q.) In a short summary, what can be monitored directly via the embedded Command View port of the EVA4400 vs. HP StorageWorks Command View
An excellent 3PAR overview reference guide attached. This conceptual guide is for all levels of system and storage administrators. Anyone who plans storage policies,
The HP E5000 Messaging System (E5000) has been designed to simplify the initial planning, testing and configuration of Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010 by providing
Q.) Do you have any documentation available in configuring/connecting a HP StorageWorks P9500 Disk Array to a VMware host? According to a colleague, based on SPOCK